【KernelSU更新】KernelSU 0.7.2更新
大侠阿木 发布于 阅读:495 KernelSU更新
KernelSU 0.7.2
[SU] Fixed the issue of incorrect allowlist after an app with root permissions is uninstalled.
[SU] Fixed an issue that caused bootloop when uninstalling an application in multi-user after being granted root permissions.
[kernel] Support Linux kernel version 6.4.
[Module] Fixed the problem of non-standard module.prop causing module directory confusion.
[Module] Update busybox to 1.36.1.
[Module] Support using /debug_ramdisk as temporary directory.
[Security] Strengthen signature verification to avoid root privileges being taken over when using unofficial managers (CVE-2023-49794).